Why Invest In Regional Victoria?

By: OpenLot.com.au | 12 Apr, 2023

Why Invest In Regional Victoria?

[House + Land Expo 2022] Why Property and Why Regional Victoria - Ben Stewart (Core Projects)

Ben Stewart, a senior project manager at Core Projects, presented at The House + Land Expo and discussed why Regional Victoria is a great place to invest. Take a dive and see why you should be buying in regional Victoria. 

Stewart, who has been working in property for 16 years, revealed that he and his wife built their first home in 2010 with just a  $10,000 deposit. Since then, he has invested in six properties and currently has two more in progress. He emphasised that having a clear reason or "why" for investing in property is essential.

Investing in property in Regional Victoria is a wise choice due to the region's relaxed lifestyle and access to quality infrastructure, including:

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Transport

Additionally, the region experiences consistent population growth, resulting in increased demand for property. Stewart provided two case studies demonstrating how investing in Regional Victoria can yield excellent returns for investors.

The two developments showcased reflect the factors that Stewart mentioned. 

In conclusion, Stewart advised investors to have a clear "why" for investing in property, to consider factors such as population growth, proximity to infrastructure, scarcity, and socio-economic trends, and to invest in areas that offer growth potential. He highlighted Regional Victoria as an area with excellent growth potential and encouraged investors to consider the region when looking to invest in property.

Learn more about investing in Regional Victoria and see the full seminar just watch the video!