Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank

[LIMITED OFFER] A boutique new community that GROWS with you

  • Cobble Springs is a thoughtfully designed community in the thriving City of Melton, where modern living meets timeless charm. Featuring beautifully landscaped spaces and stylish design, Cobble Springs offers an environment where you can truly thrive.

    This is a place to live with a smile. With a wealth of recreational facilities, healthcare services, educational options, and retail conveniences right at your doorstep, every day brings inspiration. Whether it's cooking with fresh local produce, enjoying quality time with the kids, or catching up with friends at the park and playgrounds, Cobble Springs is where life's simple pleasures come to life.
  • Contact Prashansa to find out more on 0468 826 124 or
Total new homes225
Area size15.13 hectares
Growth RegionMelbourne West Growth Corridor
City councilMelton City Council
Developer NB EYE Land, Land x Wise
Project marketer Sales x Wise
Creative agency 9th Degree
Distance to Melbourne Airport - 21 km west Melbourne CBD - 33 km west

Land for Sale, House and Land Packages:

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Land Price Trend in Cobblebank VIC 3338

  • In Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Cobblebank VIC 3338 was $312,800. *
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Cobblebank VIC 3338 has increased 60.41%. *
  • From 2011 to 2023, the median price for vacant land in Cobblebank VIC 3338 has increased 64.47%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Cobblebank VIC 3338

View full vacancy rate history in Cobblebank VIC 3338 via SQM Research.

Schools near Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank

Here are 6 schools near Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank:

Planning Applications for Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank

Planning ApplicationLand reportNumber of lotsPlan numberLand surveyorLodged dateIntended useSettlement tracking
COBBLE SPRINGS ESTATE - Stage 8 52 Alfred Road, Cobblebank VIC 333825 PS920337H, 13181S-800, PA2023/8224/1, SUB6698Hellier McFarland Pty Ltd07/12/2023 Street Addressing (Submitted on M1)
COBBLE SPRINGS ESTATE 52-78 Alfred Road, Cobblebank VIC 333843 PS911084M, 13181S-400, PA2020/7020, Sub6395Hellier McFarland24/08/2022 Street Addressing (Submitted on M1)
COBBLE SPRINGS ESTATE 52-78 Alfred Road, Cobblebank VIC 333834 PS911070Y, 13181S-300, PA2020/7020, Sub6393Hellier McFarland23/08/2022 Street Addressing (Submitted on M1)
52 Alfred Road, Cobblebank VIC 33380 PS907834S, PA2020/7020, Sub 6304/td> Street Addressing (Submitted on M1)
52 Alfred Road, Cobblebank VIC 33380 PS907830B, PA2020/7020, Sub 6303/td> Original Certification Date

Reviews & Comments on Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank

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Estate Brochure, Masterplan, Engineering Plan, Plan of Subdivision (POS), Design Guidelines

FAQs about Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank

Who is the developer behind Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank?
NB EYE Land and Land x Wise are the developers behind Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank.
View all estates from NB EYE Land
View all estates from Land x Wise
How many homes does Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank consist of?
There will be 225 new homes in Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank.
What’s the total area size for Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank?
Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank has 15.13 hectares total area size.
Which city council does Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank fall under?
Melton City Council is the local government area for Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank.
Who is the project marketer for Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank?
Sales x Wise is the project marketer for Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank.
View all estates marketed by Sales x Wise
Which schools near Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank?
Below are the nearby schools for Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank:
  • Thornhill Park Primary School - 1.5km east
  • Strathtulloh Primary School - 1.9km west
  • Melton South Primary School - 3.5km west
  • St Anthony's School - 3.6km west
  • St Lawrence of Brindisi Catholic Primary School - 3.8km south-west
  • Staughton College - 4.1km west
Cobble Springs Estate - Cobblebank