28 housing estates found in Mildura VIC 3500


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Mildura VIC 3500

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Suburb Profile for Mildura VIC 3500

Total developments28
City council Mildura Rural City Council
Buying Purposes Buy and rent out (36%)
Preferred Land Sizes 300m² - 399m² (26%)
Preferred Building Types Single storey home (63%)
Preferred Amenities Shopping centres (37%)
Preferred Floor-plans 4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car (39%)
Residency Status Australian citizen (85%)
Financial Status Deposit ready (35%)
Timeframe to Purchase 1 - 3 months (50%)
Note: Buyer preference data is from the past 12 months.

Land Price Trend in Mildura VIC 3500

Below shows the price trend from vacant land sales recorded in Mildura VIC 3500. *

* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/23

Vacancy Rate in Mildura VIC 3500

View full vacancy rate history in Mildura VIC 3500 via SQM Research.

Schools in Mildura VIC 3500

There are 7 schools registered in Mildura VIC 3500 on ACARA 2022

FAQs about Mildura VIC 3500

What's the average price for new land lot in Mildura?
  • In Oct - Dec 23, the median price for vacant land in Mildura VIC 3500 was $185,000.
View median price chart for Mildura VIC 3500
What's the recent price change for new land lot in Mildura?
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Oct - Dec 23, the median price for vacant land in Mildura VIC 3500 has increased 78.74%.
  • From 2008 to 2022, the median price for vacant land in Mildura VIC 3500 has increased 128.4%. *
View median price chart for Mildura VIC 3500
Which council does Mildura VIC 3500 belong to?
Mildura VIC 3500 falls under Mildura Rural City Council .
Learn more about Mildura Rural City Council
What is the most desired land size in Mildura VIC 3500?
26% of new home buyers in Mildura VIC 3500 are looking for 300m² - 399m² land size.
View more on the Buyer Demand Index
What is the most desired floor-plans in Mildura VIC 3500?
39% of new home buyers in Mildura VIC 3500 are looking for 4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car floor-plans.
View more on the Buyer Demand Index
Which schools are in Mildura VIC 3500?
There are 7 schools registered in Mildura VIC 3500.
  • Mildura Primary School
  • Mildura West Primary School
  • Mildura Specialist School
  • St Joseph's College Mildura
  • Sacred Heart School
  • St Paul's Primary School
  • Trinity Lutheran College
What suburbs are near Mildura VIC 3500?
There are 6 suburbs near Mildura VIC 3500.