Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill Logo

First Home Buyers Investors – Exclusive Packages Available

A wonderful new estate in highly sought after suburb of Box Hill, which is part of The Hills shire Council.
On offer is a Contemporary family home design set in a rapidly expanding community.
Offering Quality design and construction from a highly reputable builder.
All-inclusive home and land packages available with no hidden costs.
Land anticipated registration - June-Sept 2025.
Location is excellent and offers premium living experience with easy access to array of services, such as schools, transport, parks, sporting fields and much more.
Shopping is a short drive to Rouse Hill Town Centre, Carmel View shopping centre plus a number of small retail shops, with dinning readily available throughout the area.
• 4 good sized bedrooms including a guest bedroom with en-suite on ground floor ideal for visitors or family
• 3 bathrooms
• 2 living areas
• 1 car Garage
• Flowing Floor plans, adaptable for growing families and to suit all lifestyles
• Choose from varying Facades
• Fixed price site costs
• Fixed price 7-star Basix
• Concrete driveway
Quality Inclusions from:
• Tiles to entry, hall, kitchen, living, dining
• Carpet to stairs and bedrooms
• Ducted AC with 5-year warranty
• 20mm stone tops to kitchen and vanities
• 5-year warranty for all appliances
• Freestanding bath
• Sliding mirrored robes
• Electrical Consultation
Additional OPTIONS Available to choose from-
-Rear Alfresco and porch with tiles
-Laminate flooring to stairs and bedrooms
-TV antenna
-Blinds to bedrooms and living rooms

Contact us now to register your interest and more information
Stage 1 - Lot 103 Proposed Road Lakehaven Street Box Hill: Quinn II Available
Bed  4 Bath  3 Car  1
Land size: 265m²
Building size: 169sq
Orientation: North
Est. Land Registration: Jun 2025
Price: $1,209,800

Floor-plan for Lot 103: Quinn II

Development Info of Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill

Total new homes23
Area size1.11 hectares
Growth RegionSydney North West Growth Areas
City councilThe Hills Shire Council
Developer Trevet
Distance to Sydney CBD - 34 km north-west Sydney Airport - 40 km north-west

Location & Map for Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill


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More House and Land Packages in Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill

Bed  4 Bath  3 Car  1
Land size: 265m²
Building size: 169sq
Orientation: North
Est. Land Registration: Jun 2025
First Home Buyers Investors – Exclusive Packages Available
Ridgehaven Box Hill is our latest release and we excited to offer –
A wonderful new estate in highly sought after suburb of Box Hill, which is part of The Hills shire Council.
On offer is a Contemporary family home design set in a rapidly expanding community
Offering Quality design and construction from a highly reputable builder
All-inclusive home and land packages available with no hidden costs
Land anticipated registration - June-Sept 2025
Location is excellent and offers premium living experience with easy access to array of services, such as schools, transport, parks, sporting fields and much more.
Shopping is a short drive to Rouse Hill Town Centre, Carmel View shopping centre plus a number of small retail shops, with dinning readily available throughout the area.
Key features of the Package include
• 4 good sized bedrooms including a guest bedroom with en-suite on ground floor ideal for visitors or family
• 3 bathrooms
• 2 living areas
• 1 car Garage
• Flowing floor plans, adaptable for growing families and to suit all lifestyles
• Choose from varying Facades
• Fixed price site costs
• Fixed price 7-star Basix
• Concrete driveway
Quality Inclusions from:
• Tiles to entry, hall, kitchen, living, dining
• Carpet to stairs and bedrooms
• Ducted AC with 5-year warranty
• 20mm stone tops to kitchen and vanities
• 5-year warranty for all appliances
• Freestanding bath
• Sliding mirrored robes
• Electrical Consultation
Additional OPTIONS Available to choose from-
-Rear Alfresco and porch with tiles
-Laminate flooring to stairs and bedrooms
-TV antenna
-Blinds to bedrooms and living rooms

Contact us now to register your interest and for more information.
Price: $1,209,800

Vacancy Rate in Box Hill NSW 2765

View full vacancy rate history in Box Hill NSW 2765 via SQM Research.

Schools near Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill

Here are 6 schools near Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill:

Suburb Planning Review in Box Hill NSW 2765

Box Hill is approximately 9.4 square kilometres within the Hills Shire Council, forming part of the Greater Western Sydney region in New South Wales, located 42 kilometres north west of Sydney. A northern part of the suburb was reallocated in 2020 to a newly formed suburb of Gables and at the same time acquired a small area of Rouse Hill to the south east.

The suburb does not have a business district and is primarily made up of large rural residential properties, patches of urbanised residential areas and industrial pockets. An increase in residential density is being established in the north and west of the suburb.

The suburb boundary is located along Boundary Road to the west and Annangrove Road to the east. The suburb boundaries are along Old Pitt Town Road to the north and Windsor Road to the south. Terry Road, Mount Carmel Drive and Nelson Road run through Box Hill, providing access to the surrounding suburbs and the local network of roads. Killarney Chain of Ponds continues from the adjoining suburb of Vineyard and splits into other smaller creek corridors connected by a series of water holes.

Box Hill NSW - Suburb LocationBox Hill - NSW State Planning - Suburb Location


North West Priority Growth Area in Box Hill

Sydney’s North West forms part of the new approach to planning in NSW, with the Department of Planning and Environment working closely with The Hills Shire Council, stakeholders and the community to produce a rezoning plan for new homes and essential infrastructure, to help meet local community needs.

Box Hill forms part of the North West Growth Area and a Development Control Plan (DCP) was prepared to embed density controls in precinct plans to ensure that infrastructure planning aligns with growth. This Plan is known as the associated Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Development Control Plan (DCP) was adopted and came into force on 23 April 2013 and was recently amended in 2018. The amendment included the relocation of Mt Carmel Road and changes to employment land in Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial precincts along Terry and Annangrove Road.

Map of the North West Growth Area – Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Rezone


The Hills Shire Council prepared the Growth Centres Precinct Development Control Plan (DCP) that was adopted by the Department of Planning and Environment on June 2021 and came into force on 6 July 2021. 

The DCP was prepared to provide additional guidance to developers, simplify the planning and ensure the orderly, efficient and environmentally sensitive development within the Precinct. The Box Hill Growth Centre Precinct is to be envisaged by the North West Sector Structure Plan and refined by the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Indicative Layout Plan.

Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts Indicative Layout Plan


Box Hill Precinct

The Box Hill Growth Centre Precinct provides the planning so new development provides residential and employment areas that respond to the Precincts’ natural environment. A mix of recreation, employment and residential will be designed to address public transport use, walking and cycling.

The New South Wales State Government aimed to provide a new precinct that was an attractive and well-connected community, in proximity to public transport, community facilities, open space and retail.

It is noted that the Precinct of Gable will use parts of the former Box Hill suburb for redevelopment growth.

Box Hill - Future Residential Areas


The Vision of Box Hill

“The planning for the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts promotes the development of a vibrant residential and employment urban area that responds to the Precincts’ natural environment, represented in its streams, landform, heritage, environmental characteristics and landscape setting”.

“The planning of the Precincts seeks to promote a community that is less dependent on private vehicle use thereby contributes to a reduced carbon footprint”.

“A balanced mix and distribution of recreation, employment and residential uses encourage public transport, walking and cycling. A safe and permeable street network promotes accessibility, connectivity and social interaction”. 

“Direct connections to nearby regional transport hubs, including the Rouse Hill, Riverstone, Area 20 and Schofields Road Transit Boulevard ensure regional public transport accessibility”. 

“Retail and commercial areas complement and support surrounding centres. The centrally located Box Hill Town Centre provides the retail, commercial and community services that promote a community hub. Three villages and two neighbourhood centres service all local residential and employment areas”.

“A business park, an enterprise corridor and a light industrial area provide a mix of local and regional employment opportunities that meet the regional demand for jobs”.


Precinct Zoning in Box Hill

The existing zoning will be amended to provide for future infrastructures to facilitate future development within the Box Hill Growth Centre Precincts. A new village centre including a supermarket and some community facilities is planned to meet the local shopping needs of future residents.

A new road network has been designed to help provide safe streets for residents, cycling and walking paths, and provide direct access to the village centre. The new roads will enable bus services to connect people to surrounding suburbs and areas for schools, employment, retail, open spaces and services.

Pedestrian and cyclist facilities will be constructed along open space and creek corridors that will access the new residential areas.

Box Hill - NSW State Planning


The rezoning of Box Hill will create a new community with shops, cafes and substantial green open space in Sydney's North West. Green spaces will be integrated with new homes with landscaping and tree planting along streets and in public domain areas, and with protected remnant stands of vegetation, for local residents to enjoy.


Box Hill Suburb Summary
SuburbBox Hill
City / StateThe Hills Shire Council, New South Wales
Suburb Area9.4 square kilometres
  • North – Old Pitt Town Road
  • East – Annangrove Road
  • West – Boundary Road
  • South – Windsor Road
Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Precinct Inclusions 
Suburb inclusions
  • 9,600 new homes 
  • New town centre and three village centres
  • 133 hectares of employment land
  • upgrades to major roads
  • new primary and high schools
  • protection of significant vegetation
  • improved connections to encourage walking and cycling.
  • 16,000 new jobs once the area is fully developed.
Community Amenity
  • Large rural and low-density residential areas
  • Local parks
  • Spots and recreational space
LocationBox Hill, 42 kilometres northwest of Sydney
Educationnew primary and high schools
Types of ResidentialHousing choice and diversity to meet the needs of the community, through a mix of housing styles including stand-alone, R2 low-density dwellings, terraces on land rezoned for R3 medium-density development and R4 high-density development
Employment AreasLocal business and village centre, school and services
TransportationLocal road network
Recreation Areas4 sports fields, 7 local parks and an open space watercourse corridor
EnvironmentCreek corridor
Settlement PatternInformal grid with separated land uses (Residential and Industrial)


Lot 103: Quinn II
Ridgehaven Estate - Box Hill