Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes

Settlement Road, Cowes VIC 3922

Total new homes340
Area sizeN/A
Growth RegionGippsland Regional Growth Areas
City councilBass Coast Shire Council
Developer Begley Group
Distance to Melbourne CBD - 75 km south

Land for Sale, House and Land Packages:

Updates for Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes

Location & Map for Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes


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Land Price Trend in Cowes VIC 3922

  • In Apr - Jun 19, the median price for vacant land in Cowes VIC 3922 was $345,000. *
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Apr - Jun 19, the median price for vacant land in Cowes VIC 3922 has increased 111.79%. *
  • From 2008 to 2021, the median price for vacant land in Cowes VIC 3922 has increased 147.93%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Cowes VIC 3922

View full vacancy rate history in Cowes VIC 3922 via SQM Research.

Schools near Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes

Here are 6 schools near Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes:

Planning Applications for Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes

Planning ApplicationLand reportNumber of lotsPlan numberLand surveyorLodged dateIntended useSettlement tracking
Shoalhaven Estate 105 Berrys Beach Road, Ventnor VIC 39220 AX668502B, W1491_SA_CO_DrainageE, PDPLANPER-2023/000732, PDSUBCERT-2023/000733Raso Consulting Surveyors21/08/2023Creation of a drainage easement for the Shoalhaven Estate, burdening 285 Ventnor Road - C/T Vol.9040 Fol.439, in favour of Bass Coast Shire Council. Registered at Land Use Victoria
Shoalhaven Estate S3C Justice Road, Cowes VIC 3922 Settlement Road, Cowes VIC 392223 PS826389M, W1491 S3C, 100013-1, 826389, 205102996Raso Consulting Surveyors13/01/2020 Submitted for Lodgement

Reviews & Comments on Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes

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Estate Brochure, Masterplan, Engineering Plan, Plan of Subdivision (POS), Design Guidelines

FAQs about Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes

Who is the developer behind Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes?
Begley Group is the developer behind Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes.
View all estates from Begley Group
How many homes does Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes consist of?
There will be 340 new homes in Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes.
Which city council does Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes fall under?
Bass Coast Shire Council is the local government area for Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes.
Which schools near Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes?
Below are the nearby schools for Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes:
  • Cowes Primary School - 3.0km east
  • Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School - 3.8km east
  • Phillip Island Village School - 5.4km south
  • Newhaven College - 6.1km south-east
  • Somers Primary School - 8.4km north-west
  • Somers School Camp - 9.5km north-west
Shoalhaven Phillip Island Estate - Cowes