Dimitri Drive, Traralgon VIC 3844

Total new homes33
Area size12.12 hectares
Growth RegionGippsland Regional Growth Areas
City councilLatrobe City Council
Developer N/A

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Updates for Dimitri Drive, Traralgon

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Land Price Trend in Traralgon VIC 3844

  • In Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Traralgon VIC 3844 was $284,000. *
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Traralgon VIC 3844 has increased 93.2%. *
  • From 2008 to 2023, the median price for vacant land in Traralgon VIC 3844 has increased 184.76%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Traralgon VIC 3844

View full vacancy rate history in Traralgon VIC 3844 via SQM Research.

Schools near Dimitri Drive, Traralgon

Here are 6 schools near Dimitri Drive, Traralgon:

Planning Applications for Dimitri Drive, Traralgon

Planning ApplicationLand reportNumber of lotsPlan numberLand surveyorLodged dateIntended useSettlement tracking
Dimitri Drive, Traralgon VIC 38440 PS902675N, 2008/284, 2024/42/CRT3/td> Final Referral Response (Cert)
Dimitri Drive, Traralgon VIC 38440 PS902674Q, 2008/284, 2024/41/CRT3/td> Original Certification Date
Twenty-Eighth Voltron Pty Ltd - Stg 3 & 4 Dimitri Drive, Traralgon VIC 384433 PS845499W, 2001433, 2008/284, 2020/70/CRT3Beveridge Williams & Co Pty Ltd03/12/2020 Registered at Land Use Victoria

Reviews & Comments on Dimitri Drive, Traralgon

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FAQs about Dimitri Drive, Traralgon

How many homes does Dimitri Drive, Traralgon consist of?
There will be 33 new homes in Dimitri Drive, Traralgon.
What’s the total area size for Dimitri Drive, Traralgon?
Dimitri Drive, Traralgon has 12.12 hectares total area size.
Which city council does Dimitri Drive, Traralgon fall under?
Latrobe City Council is the local government area for Dimitri Drive, Traralgon.
Which schools near Dimitri Drive, Traralgon?
Below are the nearby schools for Dimitri Drive, Traralgon:
  • Lavalla Catholic College - 1.1km north-west
  • Traralgon (Kosciuszko Street) Primary School - 1.2km north-west
  • St Michael's School - 1.6km north-east
  • Traralgon College - 1.8km north
  • Traralgon (Stockdale Road) Primary School - 1.9km north
  • Grey Street Primary School (Traralgon) - 1.9km north-east
Dimitri Drive, Traralgon VIC 3844