Case Study - 📊 4x enquiries on OpenLot comparing to other portals - The Avenue Property Co.

By: | 02 Mar, 2023

📊 4x enquiries on OpenLot comparing to other portals - The Avenue Property Co.


The Avenue Property Co., a real estate company based in Cheltenham, has experienced a significant boost in their inquiries since switching to OpenLot, outperforming other property portals. Cameron Pino, the Sales and Acquisitions Manager, and Robert Fidenza, the Managing Director, shared their positive experience with OpenLot. The Avenue Property Co. specialises in various aspects of the real estate industry, including land subdivision sales, off-the-plan sales, and global land ventures. With 16 years of experience in the field, they have recently completed successful projects using OpenLot.

Previously, the company had tried various property portals but faced inconsistent results. However, when they transitioned to OpenLot, the numbers spoke for themselves, with a remarkable fourfold increase in inquiries compared to their previous platforms. What set OpenLot apart was not just the quantity of leads but also the quality. They found that the leads from OpenLot were more likely to be qualified and genuine prospective purchasers, resulting in a higher closing ratio.

Another key advantage of OpenLot was its lead guarantee, providing peace of mind to The Avenue Property Co. Unlike their past experiences with other portals, which sometimes yielded as few as five to ten leads per month, OpenLot consistently delivered around 75 leads monthly. This reliability allowed them to confidently commit to developers and project timelines, backed by their data-driven confidence in OpenLot's performance. Without a doubt, OpenLot has significantly accelerated their sales process.