Case Study - "OpenLot provides 3x better results than other platforms." - Cameron Pino Case Study: Part 1

By: | 10 May, 2022

"OpenLot provides 3x better results than other platforms." - Cameron Pino Case Study: Part 1


Cameron Pino, who was associated with The Avenue Property Co., discussed his experience with OpenLot, a real estate platform. Cameron primarily operated in Melbourne, specialising in subdivisions, development sites, and land sales, including townhouses, apartments, and established homes. Initially, he had been sceptical about OpenLot's reach, but he found that the platform quickly generated leads, altering his perception.

Cameron highlighted the significant increase in leads through OpenLot compared to traditional platforms like REA. Even for premium developer listings, OpenLot had outperformed, demonstrating its effectiveness in attracting potential buyers for vacant land and subdivisions. He acknowledged the specificity of OpenLot's user base, where people actively sought such properties, contributing to its success. Cameron pointed out that titled land had been more popular due to government grants, leading to more inquiries through OpenLot.

He mentioned a three to four-week decision-making process for OpenLot leads and the significant success he had with conversions, citing an impressive 10% conversion rate. Cameron had also recommended OpenLot to his colleagues and fellow developers, some of whom had joined the platform. He underscored the ease of selling OpenLot's benefits to developers, as it delivered tangible value, as evidenced by the success of Eagle Heights Estate in Pakenham.

Cameron's positive experience with OpenLot was indicative of its effectiveness in generating high-quality leads and conversion rates, especially in the niche market of land sales and subdivisions. This case study showcased how OpenLot had outperformed other platforms and gained traction within the real estate industry.